
1. We always carry our values and visions with us, they are what define us. What values are particularly important to you in life?
- Respect is the first thing that comes to mind. Self-confidence. Reliability. Fairness. Resilience. And I think it is also very important to be fearless, because when you're fearless, you are more courageous and that is incredibly important.
2. One’s vision is both powerful and inherently personal. If you captured some exemplary snapshots of your larger vision, what would they look like?
- I would wish for a more peaceful, more just world. I am convinced that everything else is directly related to this foundation, including greater equality and opportunities for education. I think this is a global wish for many people, and for me it has become one of my most important wishes of all. As I've grown older, I've noticed how everything is interconnected. If one foundation is not there, the others won't work. That is the first big snapshot I have in front of me of this world.
I would also like to see the visibility of women as self-evident and accepted in all its facets. Of course, facets like skin color, age, sexual preference, and physical appearance are also part of this visibility, but I'm talking about something bigger. Half of humanity is made up of women. It's unimaginable that we still have to fight for this visibility. That we still have to demand visibility for this femininity, for being a woman, is a shortcoming that we have been carrying with us for so many years, even centuries. I took to the streets for this back in the sixties!
3. You mentioned confidence, respect and resilience as essential characteristics–how would you define these for yourself?
Respect is unbelievably important. Respect should be a basic melody in one's being. We want to be respected as we are, and so, of course, we should respect everyone else.
For me, this also has a lot to do with the fact that I set my own bar against which I measure myself. It's something I use to orient myself, something I use as a guide. It's important not to measure yourself by standards set by others, but also important to self-correct. That's a positive thing. But you need to set your own standards for who you want to be: How do you want to be perceived? What are you looking for? We actually search our whole lives, it never stops, but we can have our vision clearly in front of us. The most important moment for me in this respect was when I started to make friends with myself. I am great friends with myself. That's a good basis for everything you then ask of yourself and of others.
It's also about perseverance. Not to quickly pursue every option that may seem tempting, appealing, easier, better or more beautiful. When you stick with something, it's a lot of work, but also an unbelievably fulfilling feeling that you've stayed true to yourself. Not forgetting to remain open to correction in the process. You're much less likely to be tossed about by a storm if you stay anchored to yourself.
4. We are constantly faced with challenges, events and people that may not be in line with our values. How do you manage to maintain your confidence?
It is very important to remain in conversation. To listen. This allows you to see things from someone else's perspective. Having a fixed doctrine or telling other people how it is–that’s not what I call conversation. This also means that you may be left alone with your opinion and the other person with theirs. That is the difference between communicating and “talking.”
I think it's important to step out of your own bubble from time to time, to really break new ground. Leaving your comfort zone gives you a bit of a workout, but it's a good thing, to break out now and then and to question it.
And books. I'm a person who reads a lot because I like to immerse myself in other worlds, in other people's thoughts, to live different lives–which is wonderful. Through books you see different perspectives, you discover new things.
The last thing is that we should never forget the beauty that this world offers us and the progress that we have already made. Unfortunately, at times like now, our focus is on everything that is going wrong. We shouldn’t forget–and it helps me to remember–that we have achieved so much already. Here in Germany, we can vote. We're free. We have a healthcare system that leaves no one alone. This is exactly what helps me stay confident and what should not be forgotten. It helps to be pragmatic and appreciate the beautiful things: an autumn walk, being in the countryside, standing in front of the water. That's our world too.
5. You have been campaigning for the empowerment of women for a very long time. How did you become the strong woman you are today? What has helped shape your strength along the way?
My mother spontaneously comes to mind. Although we didn’t live together that much–I went to boarding school and she lived abroad–my mother's path shaped mine. She was the first woman to live emancipation. She didn't just talk about it, she embraced it. She was a woman who lived a self-determined life. In the 1960s, that meant going alone as a woman to a foreign country like Portugal, where there was machoism that can still be found in many countries today. My mother was unconventional, unorthodox in some ways, and I like that. I think she is the first person who brought me to where I am today.
I started searching early on and I was socialized and politicized in the ‘60s. That's a big asset. There were two paths back then in Germany: At the end of the war, rebuild everything quickly, carry on as much as possible as it was before, don't put pressure on yourself. Or the other side: Why did we get into this situation, what actually happened and how will it continue, what image will continue? It also started with the image of women. The women who held on during the war years and maintained what was still there were then supposed to be catapulted out of all the responsibility and return to the kitchen. This topic was very present in the '50s and '60s. I think that's my great gift–at least that's how I perceived it–I was on the side of questioning, of the new beginning, of not carrying on as always.
I've met extremely exciting women in my life. I got to know Simone de Beauvoir, Patti Smith, the wonderful Iris Apfel. I get to work with the most amazing women for L'Oréal. I must say that this is also something I can take an incredible amount from for myself. It's a kind of energy exchange for me, and every single one of these women makes me the woman I am today.
6. We use bags as keepers of our most essential belongings when we are out in the world. They allow a kind of freedom to travel and disconnect while housing just what we need along the journey. How do you define personal freedom? Is there a moment when you felt particularly free?
Freedom for me means first and foremost that I have the choice. Choosing what I want to do, as well as voting politically. One should never forget how many countries there are where this is not possible. And if we carry on like this and allow further dictatorships to emerge–unfortunately there are more and more of them–we will have to fight for democracy, including these two different forms: that I can vote, and that I can and am allowed to make decisions. That is a privilege we treat so casually, but which cannot be taken for granted.
Freedom also means being independent. I belong to the '68ers. I never got married, I always wanted to be financially independent, and I still am today. I wanted to have this freedom, to be self-determined. This certainly doesn't have to be everyone’s credo, but it is very important to me, and I can do that here in Germany. It's also the freedom I have to be unbiased towards people, to be unbiased towards other ways of life; that's a freedom that many people aren't allowed to live out because they've never learned that there are other ways of life.
I remember a moment that really showed me freedom in a way that was almost painful. I went on a trip to Antarctica and had this feeling amongst thousands and thousands of animals that were not afraid of me because they don't even know that I could be a danger to them. In other words, a kind of Garden of Eden. I was very aware of the ambivalence of going to a place where you know that you are actually already one of those who are now starting to perhaps destroy that paradise. On the other hand, it was the freedom in these animals which gave me the freedom to feel that way. It was one of the most beautiful feelings I ever had. I just cried, laughed, cried and laughed again.
Dorothee Schumacher x Jessie Weiß
Jessie Weiß founded the fashion blogazine Journelles in 2012 – today the largest independent fashion blogazine in Germany. In 2007, the now 37-year-old entrepreneur co-founded the first major German fashion blog, LesMads. Since then, Jessie Weiß has worked as a journalist, moderator and creative director – and shares her everyday life with her community on her Instagram channel @journelles.

1. You've been successful for so many years with your German fashion blogazine Journelles. When you look back on the last couple of years, what are you most proud of? What are your goals for Journelles?
For me, the best reward is to be able to continue working in the industry and to have built a great community that likes to follow me and accompany me on my journey. My focus is currently on Maison Journelles, our home building project, which includes the podcast I do together with my husband. Always being able to try something new makes me proud!
2. What is really important to you in life? What makes it worth living?
It always sounds a bit cheesy, but since the births of my three children, they are the most important things in my life. They fill my life with incredible meaning and love. At the same time, I have grown personally through all the new challenges, and feel strengthened and happy – every day I am grateful to have a healthy family and great job!
3. "Living life to the fullest." That's our muse's motto for the new Resort collection. How can you truly savor every moment? Is there something you like to think back on when you had less responsibility and were more focused on just having fun?
Definitely. I’ve taken amazing trips with my husband, and our honeymoon almost 10 years ago was so carefree. In retrospect, looking back on those times makes you appreciate them even more, because the time without children was associated with less responsibility, self-determination and spontaneity! But I always see the glass as half full, and am a fun-loving person – I really actually savor every moment :)
4. You are now a mom of three children. What does being a mother mean to you? Has that changed your view on life in a major way?
Totally. I'm much more grounded, content with the little things, grateful for my children's health, and incredibly happy to be a mom!
5. Between building a house, running a successful business and having a family, do you any time left just for yourself? Where does your incredible energy come from? Any specific self-care rituals?
Because I am self-employed, I am closely tied to my business and see it as my downtime in addition to care work. At the same time, I am always on the move, I like creative work and checking things off lists – it was such a long time ago that I spend a whole day on the sofa that I don't even need or miss it anymore. My self-care is sports. If I make it to the mat every morning, incorporate Pilates or tennis workouts into my daily routine, I'm incredibly balanced.
6. What values are especially important to you? Which in particular are ones you would you like to pass on to your children?
Authenticity, humor, sincerity. My wish for my children is that they grow up without social or parental pressure. That they are allowed to concentrate on their strengths, can try a lot of things out, and above all, that they become happy people. Nothing is more satisfying than being at peace with oneself.
7. What advice would you like to have given your younger self?
Stop being unhappy with your body. Be proud of it!
8. You give your community (almost) daily insights into your everyday life. Is there anything we don’t know about you yet that you care to share?
There's so much I don't share on social media and the few daily snippets can never give a complete picture of me – I'm happy to keep a few things private.
9. What are the top #5 on your bucket list?
I don't have a bucket list! I’ve been lucky enough to experience and see so much at a young age that I’m saving something like that for later when the kids are out of the house😃

1. What is your personal definition of timelessness?
Dylana: To me, timelessness is a sense of being; it’s the acceptance of who we are as individuals; it’s the way we carry ourselves that uplifts those around us; it’s the perspectives we have of the world that is open and curious. Being our true selves as much as we can and embracing that is timeless to me.
Rossana: To me, timelessness is the feeling of confidence in one’s own skin and embracing ourselves in our most natural state.
Natalie: I love the feeling of ease and elegance. That’s why I’m a huge fan of monochromatic looks or a matching set. A timeless look comes in classic fits that flatter the body. Most importantly, a timeless look lets me move and breathe.
2. What does it mean to be a mother?
Rossana: Being a mother is the most beautiful experience! I love being a mother! My connection with my girls and seeing the world through their eyes is so wonderful and brings me so much happiness. I continue to grow as a mother over time, as my daughters and I all watch and learn from each other. It’s a tough job, but you really feel the rewards of knowing you created some special humans who can go out and be themselves in the world.
3. Tell us about some life values that are important to you now. Which ones were important to pass along to your daughters?
Rossana: I’ve always valued independence. I moved to the states from Malaysia with just my sister years ago and had to really make it on my own in a new country. I’ve definitely passed that trait onto my daughters. I love to see them thrive on their own in the world, but still keep such a close connection to their roots and family.
4. What does sisterhood mean to you?
Dylana: To me, sisterhood is one of the most unique, strongest, and interesting bonds. You never fully understand it unless you have a sister and go through all the emotions and experiences of growing up with one. A sister can be your best friend and your biggest critic at the same time, but it always comes from a place of love. Sisterhood is an unspeakable bond that grows throughout a lifetime but that always feels the same and as familiar as it did when we were children. It’s truly a safe place and I feel so lucky to have a sister that I’m so close with!
Natalie: Sisterhood is like being born with a best friend. The best thing about sisterhood is that you have someone in your life you can fully be your most authentic self with. You have an unconditional love for one another. I love that sisterhood is just one constant adventure, where we can be together, build each other up, and see one another grow and evolve as strong individuals.
5. Tell us about a favorite childhood moment together.
Dylana: My favorite childhood moment together was playing “make believe” with Natalie at home! We had many wild adventures this way. We used to pretend we were in scenes of Mission Impossible and sing the soundtrack out loud and spy on the neighbors and it was the best! So much of our relationship stems from these sorts of world building games we played together.
Natalie: Dylana and I would always dance together and make up our own moves. Dylana choreographed my solo performance as Annie during elementary school. It was a total blast and came out so theatrical. We would practice in the backyard in knee pads and jazz shoes. I just remember how happy and fun the entire process was, working with Dylana on the moves to perform for my classmates. I always looked up to Dylana as my big sister and wanted to be more like her in all ways creatively. There’s a photo with the biggest smile on my face right after the show in my dance leotard. We have the best memories creating our own performances at home and at school.
6. Together-time is so precious! Do you have any rituals or traditions as sisters or mom/daughters?
Dylana: My sister and I have many! I love when Natalie comes over for dinner on a Sunday after a weekend of rest. And we can catch up and talk about the weeks ahead. We do so much together, that almost everything feels ritualistic. It’s very special!
Rossana: I love cooking with my daughters, having spa days with them … things that relax us and give us time to chat and reflect … and laugh!
Natalie: I love when it’s curry night and mom is cooking. Her spicy Malaysian curry is the absolute best. It’s the best time being in the kitchen together, laughing, and eating the food we grew up with. As a child, I would come home from school and ask my mom to make dinner extra spicy. Her cooking always feels like home.
7. Is there a particular moment or experience that brought you even closer together?
Dylana: When I moved to the East Coast for the first time and Natalie moved around 2 months later. Us growing up as adults on the East Coast definitely made us closer, because we only had each other to rely on and we went through many first experiences together. It was a pivotal moment in our lives!
Rossana: I always look forward to traveling with my daughters, especially when it’s to my home country to visit my side of the family. There’re always new memories of my life growing up there to share with them, and there will always be new memories to create from these trips.
Natalie: I remember when our mom would sketch and draw for us. She always drew such beautiful silhouettes and fashion looks. So much of our love for fashion came from our mother. She can also sew just about anything. Her close attention to details was so inspiring. She has incredible taste in interiors, fashion and design. I always loved the way she carried herself with such elegance.
8. Is there a certain piece of clothing that you associate with your mom?
Dylana: I associate the traditional Chinese dress, the Cheongsam, with my mom! She had so many photos wearing beautiful ones when she was young, and she even inspired me to wear one to my 6th grade graduation! Recently, my mom, sister and I all got new ones to wear for this past Chinese New Year. I think this should be a new thing for us to continue doing as a tradition.
Natalie: I wear my mom’s jade ring with diamonds every day. It used to be her wedding ring and then she passed it on to me. It’s such a stunning, custom piece and I wear it every day. Jade represents protection and is a reminder to do things with the heart.
9. Favorite piece to borrow from your mom/daughter/sister?
Dylana: My favorite piece to borrow from my mom are her vintage belts! They add the most perfect finishing statement to so many of my looks! My favorite to borrow from Natalie are her shoes sometimes as we have the same shoe size. She has more heels than me so whenever I need a dressier shoe, I'll borrow from her.
Rossana: My favorite things to borrow from my daughters are everything! Whenever I visit them, I don’t pack much as I know I can just pull from their closets. It makes dressing up with my girls so fun.
Natalie: I love my mom’s Bob Mackie vintage gold beaded mini dress. It’s such a gorgeous classic and a statement piece. I wore it when I was 15, singing at my high school talent show. I can’t wait to wear it on a red carpet one day at a fashion event! It would be perfect for a glamorous night out.
10. Please share something you value about one another.
Dylana: I value my mother’s energy and optimism. She’s so excited about life and exploring the world! Her young at heart mindset is very inspiring. I value my sister’s work ethic because she is always focused and ready to go. I also value her sense of humor. Laughter is always the key!
Rossana: I value so many things about my daughters! Both are so talented. I admire Dylana’s creativity and thoughtfulness. With Natalie, I admire how much she loves to go, go, go. I love how my daughters balance each other out this way!
Natalie: I really value Dylana’s softness and how she sees the world with such understanding. It’s beautiful to watch her put personal experiences into her work. It’s like poetry. I really value my mom’s inner strength. She’s outspoken, young at heart, and has a true love and passion for life. I learn so much from her. She has taught me to really believe in myself and go after my dreams. I got my ambitious, go-getter attitude from her.


1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Matilde Buoso and I was born in 1997. I’m from the north-east of Italy and I have lived there since I was born. When I was 17 years old, I went on holiday with my family to Zadar, Croatia. There, I got scouted by Colors Model Management – I started modeling a year later and I have been traveling the world ever since.
2. What’s your life approach?
I used to plan my life a lot, but since I started modeling, I had to start living day by day.
3. You chose to live by the sea rather than in a big city. What are some of the best things about where you live?
Since I’m always traveling to big cities for work, I wanted to have a relaxing space to come home to. I think having a walk on the beach whenever you want is one of the greatest luxuries you can have.
4. How is your favorite way to spend time when you’re home?
When I’m home, I usually study for university and go for long walks on the beach.
5. Could you share some thoughts about nature and what it means to you?
I associate calmness and relaxation with nature. It’s not only about plants, animals, and flowers – it’s about what you feel when you are in nature. That makes it special.
6. What is important to you in life?
I think the most important things in life are being healthy, physically and mentally and being surrounded by good people that support and love you.
7. Any goals you are working on at the moment?
Finish university and get the degree!
8. Top 10 on your bucket list:
- 1. Visit the great wall of China
- 2. Dye my hair in a crazy color
- 3. Have a child
- 4. See the northern lights
- 5. Fly in a hot air balloon
- 6. Visit Machu Picchu in Peru (it’s a work in progress, I’m going this summer!)
- 7. Start a business (still don’t know what kind of business)
- 8. Book a big beauty campaign (I’m really happy about my career, but this is something I would love to do)
- 9. Visit the Taj Mahal in India
- 10. Get my degree!

Hair Stylist- Lasse Pedersen
Make Up Artist – Mette Schou
Photographer – Sami Nakari
Digi Tech - Lara Grenzten
Photo Assistant – Roberta Beschi
Photo Assistant - Xhenifer Jaupi
Model – Matilde Buoso


1. You are a photographer, model, dj and mom — a multitasking talent! Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
I have to admit that I’ve been very lucky to have the opportunity to switch from photography to modelling and back. This gives you 360 degrees exposure to the process of image-making on every level – from theory and ideas to production and physical experience. As a model, you have to let go of your ego and put your faith in other people’s decisions. There is a different amount of control in what you give and what you take as an artist. But there has to be 100 percent trust in what you do, no matter what position you’re in.
2. When you close your eyes and think of the ocean, what is the first thing you feel or that comes to mind?
The smell of the ocean breeze.
3. If you only had 10 minutes to pack for a spontaneous summer getaway, what pieces wouldn’t be missing from your suitcase?
A swimsuit, obviously! Camera, sunglasses, open toe platforms and couple of pairs of wide-leg pants.

DJ, wellness director & entrepreneur, Tiff Mcfierce creates community, conversation and self care for women through her wellness brand, Look IN. Their pillars of music, movement & meditation continue to change the way wellness is accessed for marginalized communities, while bring tangible tips, support & action to the forefront of being well. A sought-after DJ/music director, curator & thought leader, Tiff Mcfierce is an award-winning artist with a passion for community curation and storytelling. She’s written history as the first woman and black woman assistant music director & resident DJ in the NBA, NHL & WNBA for the world’s most famous arena, Madison Square Garden, while being a multi hyphenated maven. Soundtracking spaces, leading wellness workshops and writing for brands such as WebMD, Google, The Grammys, & many more, Tiff Mcfierce is a vibe setter & visionary listeners love to hear through all mediums. Follow along with Tiff on Instagram and Tiktok at @tiffmcfierce for more!

1. You have so much precious insight to share – any words of advice on new beginnings as the seasons change?
- As the season changes, allow yourself to follow its lead. We are made of the same things as nature or MUVA as I call her, and reflecting in her image can bring a lot of clarity on next steps, while honoring your present moment. If you’re living where winter is occurring like I am, this can be a time of getting clear of intentions on new beginnings, asking yourself what it is you really want vs what you think you should do, while prioritizing rest, reflection, restoration, and planting/sowing seeds of ideas & growth. It’s ok to slow down even while active when it comes to beginnings or transformation, and see what the seasons can continue to teach us.
2. You have created an amazing playlist for us (which, btw, we have on repeat). What does music mean to you?
Music is my meditation. Music, sound & frequency are some of the main ways I communicate. I get so much love, safety, reassurance and radical joy from music. It can transport us to a memory, a feeling, a scent, a location, a vibe – it truly is the universal language. I grew up dancing my entire life, (I LOVE to dance), in classes by age 4 and having a professional commercial dance career for over two decades, along with DJing & musically directing for a decade, and using music and frequency as a sonic healer through meditations for myself and guiding others – music is my closest friend & one of my wisest teachers. I can literally see sound as colors since I was a kid and I am super grateful to have music be such a vessel in my life.
3. You dance like no one’s watching! How can we do the same, (besides improving our skills 😊 )?
Dancing is also my meditation & a huge way I’ve always expressed myself! The best way to dance like no one is watching is to do it for you! Dancing lifts your spirit, brings joy & is a big symbol of freedom. Connecting to dance for your own fun & disconnecting it from anyone’s opinion is a must! You deserve to let loose & groove so turn on my specially curated playlist I made for you, and forget about anyone looking! And if someone sees you, you’ll most likely make them want to dance like no one’s watching as well!
4. What effect does pretty clothing (Dorothee Schumacher) have on your overall vibe?
I absolutely love being able to express myself through style! Music and style go hand in hand & just the way I dance like no one’s watching, I experiment with my personal style the same, (even though I love a good personal runway show on the streets of NYC where I was born and raised hunnay!). A great outfit and immaculate pieces like DS elevate my mood, and push my creativity to explore more ways to piece things together or play with how I wear them! I love beautiful art and pretty aesthetics as a lifelong entertainer and those things always feel fun and joyous. They’re icing on the cake of a vibe I let come from within to all work together and shine.
5. Best part about a date for one?
I take myself on some of the best dates and my favorite parts are putting together my look, and picking where I want to go and what I want to do. I like making my solo dates all about adventure whether it’s a hike in a new place, a new restaurant, finding a cool art show, or just a new part of a NYC park I’ve never been to, the possibilities are endless. I love having my unplanned self-dates the best, where I Just go where the wind takes me and explore the city with huge main character energy and romanticize the entire outing. I live like that in general and a date for one often has helped that.
6. We know it’s super important self-care to embrace alone time – any tricks for dealing with loneliness that sometimes comes with it?
Not running away from the loneliness and facing it head on can be really freeing. I have allowed myself to have the thought, say the things that make me feel lonely, scared, sad or abandoned, write them out and/or say them aloud – especially in nature and to the trees. You have to sometimes name it, to tame it. Self-care as we all know isn’t always the most fun or glamorous at times and being honesty about how loneliness makes us feel is a step in the direction of also not letting it control our movements or mindsets. I still get lonely like everyone else, but facing it with self-compassion and curiosity after I allow myself to feel the feels however I must, has allowed me to become clearer on what my needs and boundaries are, and what surface and cellular ways I need to show up for my self-care & wellbeing. It’s a nuanced, non linear road that is better off traveled than avoided so that I don’t just settle for anything – friendships, career, partnerships, that do not align or serve me because I just want to get rid of feeling lonely. Another tip: I’ve also done more of the hobbies or things I’ve wanted to try and kept my energy open to meeting new, aligned people. Deciding to try something new after facing how you feel for real is always a step in a direction that can connect you more to yourself, and others!
7. #1 piece of advice you would give your younger self in a sentence:
You’re a Pheonix baby girl, never dim that fire for anyone or anything-let it light your way.
8. A tip for helping us hold on to our inner child?
Do things that make you laugh, feel fun, that you’ve always wanted to try, or that you tried when you were little and felt you didn’t have space to give it a fair shot. I always thought I was “bad” at art, so I got a paint set and did a few easy, fun & free painting classes with no pressure. I dance in my room all the time like I used to when I was little, or out in nature where I feel most supported. Making time for hobbies that have nothing to do with an end goal or work is important. Speak softly to little you while you try something new, and allow them to just BE.
9. What are your plans for the future? (Please never stop Tiff Talk!). Maybe you’ll even give us some insight into your current vision board...
I have goals and dreams like everyone else but the biggest plan I have right now is not to force anything. I can get very head strong about what I want which I plan on keeping around especially because I am a visionary & I see things way past what they can be in just the now. But after such a long & expansive career & accepting I don’t need to chase in my life, my biggest goal is alignment. I feel like I am just getting started! I have a lot of plans as an entrepreneur, music director, sound healer, writer & speaker, and I look forward to seeping further into limitless possibilities that make sense on how I share my offerings with the world. Tiff Talk is most definitely not stopping as I am working on a book & a podcast as well!
10. Favorite green spot for some Zen time in NYC?
Parks have brought me so much solace, healing and comfort, especially the past 3 years with what we have all been going through globally. I love the green parks in NYC like Central Park and exploring new grounds and trails as it’s so big, as well as taking a break on the big lawn, especially in the summer.